Born Rostock, where her father was a professor of theology at the University of Rostock.
Nearby geocaches Jacobikirche Ostliche Altstadt
The astronomer Tycho Brahe lost his nose in a fight after attending a party at her father's home two years before Margaretha's birth.
Margaretha married Johannes Stolterfoht, minister of the Marienkirche in Lubeck, in 1587 Rostock.
She died in Lubeck 5 Jan 1641. The couple had 10 sons and a daughter.
son Jacob Stolterfoht 1600-1668 Lubeck

her parents Lucas Bacmeister, who among other things wrote a hymn called "Ach leue Her im höchsten thron" which I have not yet been able to track down. Lucas Bacmeister was the first of his family to have an academic career. His father, Margaretha's paternal grandfather, was a brewer in Luneburg. Before that, the Bacmeisters were bakers.
and Johanna Bording.
Interesting lineage of Bacmeisters posted on this czech language site : something to pursue
Completely unverified line from Bard, Pluntke, Roth, Tolzien homepage
Johann Bacmeister d. 1548, m. Anna Lubbing d. 1583 (dau. of Matthaus Lubbing & Metka Kruse, dau of Erhard Kruse & ? Moringa)
Ludek Wilms Bacmeister
..Ludek Bacmeister m. Alheit freden (? died bef 1499 Braunschweig, d. of Henning Freden d. bef 1494 Braunschweig and Grethe Gonteke d. bef 1494)
...Hinrik Bacmeister
....Henneke Bacmeister
.....Engelke Bacmeister
......Johann Bacmeister has all those Bacmeisters struck out, not sure what this signifies?
Here are the ones she has rejected:
Ludwig Bacmeister - @ 1460-1548 Lueneburg, Helmstedt (Hofbackermeister at Helmstedt)
..Ludecke Bacmeister - @ 14200-? Braunschweig, Backermeister 1472
...Hinrik Bacmeister @ 1380-1444 Braunschweig, Burger and Backermeisterin Braunschweig 1407-1444, Owner Nr. 7 in der Guldnerstrasse
....Henneke Bacmeister @1330-1399, Goslar, Ratsherr
.....Engelke Bacmeister @ 1300-1384 Goslar, 1317-1384 Ratsherr in Goslar
......Johann Bacmeister @ 1260-1324 Goslar, Burger and Backmeister in Goslar
.......Johann Bacmeister @1230-1284 Goslar, Burger in Goslar 1250
Another link to investigate sometime:
The Bacmeister ancestors are certain only up to Johann Backmester, brewer and father of Lucas I. Bacmeister. Of the further Bacmeister we only know some names and places, but not their relationship - and they were no bakers. The name Bacmeister was first mentioned in Goslar in 1284.
ReplyDeleteRegards, Georg-W. Geckler, editor of the newspaper of the Bac(k)meister family association,