Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 24 - National Day of the American Cowboy

I received an email this morning about July 24th being the National Day of the American Cowboy. Unfortunately what little American ancestry we have (only one line 5 generations back, all in New York and the mid-Atlantic States), we have no American Cowboys to claim.

My grandfather Poul POULSEN, however, did spend several years in Argentina helping out on a South American farm. Although he was not exactly a gaucho, he did help out with several harvests. He did ride horses while he was there in the 1920s. Primarily he was a tutor for Danish children. I was surprised initially to learn about the substantial Danish community in Argentina. Hopefully one day I will be able to pinpoint the location of the farm. I have narrowed it down to the province of Buenos Aires.

Too bad he returned to Denmark before the creation of the tango...

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